London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kensington and Chelsea 1971

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Kensington & Chelsea Borough]

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residents in the course of which they exploit the health education opportunities presented.
The concern with offices, shops and railway premises also gives an approach to a wide field.
They also receive requests for talks from a variety of organisations on health subjects
and they are particularly pleased to give talks to the staffs of businesses. They are always
willing to give such talks to any organisations and particularly to such specialist groups as
food handlers and catering staff.
Health visitors have continued to organise clubs for both the "over 50's" and for
mothers, and these, covering a varied programme of activities related to health, have been
increased, a club for "Over 50's" having been started in the Spring at the Violet Melchett
(1) The "Over 50's" Clubs Mothers' Clubs
St. Quintin Raymede
Raymede Lancaster
Kensal Kensal
Lancaster South Kensington
Violet Melchett Walmer
(2) Activities
(a) Speakers
In addition to talks given by the health visiting staff, club meetings have been
addressed by speakers from a variety of outside agencies including the British Red
Cross Society, the Crime Prevention Officer of the Notting Hill Police and the Fire
(b) Practical activities
Health visitors included the following practical subjects in club programmes:—
Cookery classes
Sewing classes
Keep-fit classes
Exercises for the elderly
(c) Visual
Suitable films were included, often as an introduction to a discussion session.

Teaching as part of the school curriculum, and also for special subjects has continued in eight schools in the borough.

Ladbroke Secondary Girls (Upper)3 Health Visitors4th and 6th year girls
St. Thomas More Secondary Mixed2 Health Visitors4th and 6th year girls
St. Francis Junior Girls1 Health Visitor10 and 11 year old girls
Holland Park Secondary Mixed1 Health Visitor 2 school nursesMixed groups
Christ Church Junior Mixed1 Health Visitor10 year olds