London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kensington 1962

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Kensington Borough.

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On 31st July, 1962, the Council made a Smoke Control Order
in respect of the Norland Ward (No.l) Area, which is that part of the
ward bounded on the north by the middle of Lancaster Road, on the east
by the middle of Ladbroke Grove, on the south by the middle of Holland
Park Avenue, and on the west by the middle of Walmer Road and Princedale
Road. It has an area of about 100 acres and contains 2909
buildings. Prom the detailed survey it was estimated that the total
cost of adaptations would be about £21,992.
The Minister of Housing and Local Government had requested
local authorities to exempt from smoke control orders, buildings, or
separately occupied parts of buildings, not supplied with town gas,
subject to the condition that the exemption would have effect only
where authorised fuels or kindling sticks and paper were used. The
Council accordingly resolved that the fireplaces in the area as
specified in the following table should be exempt from the operation
of Section 11 of the Clean Air Act.
Fireplaces in buildings, or parts
of buildings, separately occupied,
without gas supply.
Only authorised fuels, as declared
by Regulations under
the Clean Air Act, 1956, and
kindling sticks and paper
shall be used in the fireplaces.
The Norland Ward (No.l) Smoke Control Order was confirmed
by the Minister without modification and will operate from 1st October,
The Council also decided to deal with the Norland Ward (No.2)
area, which is bounded on the north by the middle of Lancaster Road,
on the east by the middle of Walmer Road and Princedale Road, and on
the south by the middle of Holland Park Avenue, and on the west by the
borough boundary. It has an area of about 95 acres.
New furnaces. Section 3 requires that new furnaces, not
used mainly for domestic purposes and exceeding a specified capacity,
shall be so far as is practicable smokeless. Any person installing
such a furnace must give prior notice to the Council and may submit
detailed plans and specifications for approval before the work of
installation takes place.
During 1962, 5 notifications were received, and one
application for approval of plans, etc. was approved.
In one instance it was reported that a new furnace had been
installed in a building without proper notice being given to the
Council, and the Public Health Committee decided to issue a warning
in this case.
Smoke emissions. The Sections of the Clean Air Act, 1956
which relate to industrial smoke came into force on 1st June, 1958.
Up to that date emissions of industrial smoke were dealt with under
the provisions of the Public Health (London) Act, 1936.
The provisions mainly affecting the Council are contained
in Section 1, which prohibits the emission of dark smoke (except for
certain periods laid down by regulation) and Section 16 which deals
with smoke nuisances.