London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kensington 1946

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Kensington Borough]

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There has been a steady increase in the numbers of Kensington patients attending each year, as is shown below:-

Year.No. of patients.

The clinic is open on five days each week.
During the year, 210 new cases of tuberculosis were
notified, of which 187 were respiratory and 23 non-respiratory
Death Rate,
Seventy persons died from respiratory tuberculosis and
twelve from non-respiratory tuberculosis. The death rate for
respiratory tuberculosis was 47 and that for non-respiratory 8.
The rate for all forms of tuberculosis was 55.
Dispensary Service.
Nine hundred and fifty four new patients were examined.
Of these, two hundred and fifty-seven were suffering from
respiratory tuberculosis, 19 from non-respiratory tuberculosis,
4 2 new cases were still under observation at the end of the year,
and 636 persons were diagnosed as non-tuberculous.

The following table shows the number of cases added to, and the number removed from, the Dispensary Notification Register during the year:-

Description.Respiratory.Non-Respiratory .Total.
On register of notifications on 1st January, 1946.3453525049796
Notified for the first time during the year.103841013210
Brought to notice other than by notification.605855128
Cases removed from register on account of having-
(a) recovered from disease.6102321
(b) removed from district, lost sight of, etc.456677125
(c) died.53264689
Remaining on register on 31st December, 1946.4043925251899