London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kensington 1946

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Kensington Borough]

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Factories Act. 1957.
The provision of Section 128 of the Factories Act, 1937,
requiring Medical Officers of Health to make an annual report
in regard to the Council's functions under the Act, was suspended
by the Home Secretary and the Minister of Health during the war.
With the shortage of inspectorial staff, little work was
done in regard to routine inspections of factories, but all
urgent matters arising from complaint or otherwise have been
dealt with.

The following tables contain a summary of the inspections made and the defects found and remedied within the borough during 1946:- Inspections.

Premises.Number ofInspections.Number of Written Notices.
Factories with mechanical power.2102
Factories without mechanical power.12513
Other premises under the Act. (Including works of building and engineering construction but not including outworkers' premises.)--

Defects Found.

Particulars.Number of defects found.Number ofdefects remedied.Number of defects referred to H. M. Inspector.
Want of cleanliness.99-
Unreasonable temperature.11-
Inadequate ventilation.11-
Ineffective drainage of floors.---
Sanitary conveniences:----
(a) insufficient.---
(b) unsuitable or defective.66-
(c) Not separate for sexes.11-
Other offences (not including offences relating to Homework)761