London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kensington 1945

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Kensington Borough]

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sanitary inspection. The following table shows a summary of the inspections, etc., carried out by the sanitary inspectors during the year:-

sanitary inspection. The following table shows a summary of the inspections, etc., carried out by the sanitary inspectors during the year:-
Total Complaints received6180
Public Health (London) Act, 1936.
Houses inspected on complaint5915
,, ,, after infectious disease905
Smoke observations98
Inspections of mews67
Other inspections1675
By-laws re Houses Let in lodgings.
Houses inspected on complaint4
Housing Act. 1936.
Initial inspections (including preparation or or revision of house-to-house cards)98
Underground Living Rooms.
Primary inspections136
Scabies Order.
Plans submitted12
House drains tested and inspected239
Shoos Act.

(The above record does not include the heavy amount of
work performed by the sanitary inspectors on the inspection
of houses damaged by enemy action.)

The following table shows the number of notices issued in respect of nuisances, defects, etc., found during the year:- Public Health (London) Act. 1936.

The following table shows the number of notices issued in respect of nuisances, defects, etc., found during the year:- Public Health (London) Act. 1936.
Intimation notices1605
Statutory notices475
Pinal notices123
Rent Restriction Act Certificates2
Report of waste of water to the Metropolitan Water Board172
Report of dangerous structures to the London County Council75
Other notices117