London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kensington 1944

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Kensington Borough]

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Health Visiting Staff.

The work performed by the health visiting staff during 1944 in regard to maternity and child welfare is summrised in the following table:-

First visits to infants (0-1year)1,301
Re-visits to infants (0-1 year)6,834
Visits to children between 1 and 5 years9,579
Stillbirth enquiries21
Visits to ophthalmia neonatorum cases10
Visits to measles cases176
Visits to whooping-cough cases414
Visits to puerperal fever cases13
Visits to puerperal pyrexia cases24
Visits to enteritis cases141
Infantile death enquiries63
Pre-natal visits2,944
Half-days at welfare centres1,952
Visits to foster mothers653
Visits to registered daily guardians203
Other visits4,361

Infant Welfare Centres and Ante-natal Clinics.

The work at these institutions during 1944 is shown in the following table:-

Sessions at which doctor attended for pre-natal consultations458
Individual mothers who attended pre-natal consultations1,709
Attendances of pre-natal mothers7,551
Sessions at which doctor attended for postnatal consultations12
Individual mothers who attended post-natal consultations21
Sessions at which doctor attended for infant consultations476
Individual children who attended:-
0 – 1 Year1,808
1 – 5 Years819
Attendances of children at doctors' consultations:-
0 – 1 Year4 ,249
1 – 5 Years2,513
Attendances at centres of children for all purposes
0 – 1 Year12,517
1 – 5 Years5,216