London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kensington 1944

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Kensington Borough]

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general provision of health services in the area.

Bacteriological and analytical work. The work performed during the year was as follows:-

Nature of specimen or sampleNumber examined.
Nose and throat swabs2,322
Faeces and urine504
Milk (bacteriological)59
Milk (phosphatase)67

Care of Aged and Infirm Persons.
During the year, one of the Council's medical
officers made 52 visits to 29 persons reported to the
department as old or infirm, and living in insanitary
Twelve cases voluntarily entered hospital and
arrangements, were made for five cases to enter suitable
hostels or homes. In two cases, Court orders were obtained
and the persons were removed compulsorily to an institution.
One case died before a Court order could be obtained. In
the remaining nine cases no action was deemed necessary by
the medical officer, although five of them are being kept
under observation.

Medicinal Baths (Personal Cleansing Station). The record of work done is as follows:-

AdultsScabies| VerminImpetigoOther conditions .
Other boroughs10372268208223----
School Children.
Other boroughs22266633933912--
Children under 5.
Other boroughs2295003738----
Compulsory Cleansings--198198----