London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kensington 1943

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Kensington Borough]

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Town Hall,
Kensington, W.8.
10th July, 1944.
To the Mayor, Aldermen and Councillors of the
Royal Borough of Kensington.
I have the honour to submit my annual (interim)
report for 1943 on the state of the public health in
Kensington, which has remained satisfactory notwithstanding
the present emergency.
There was no serious outbreak of infectious disease
during the year. The incidence of scarlet fever and measles
was greater than in the previous year, but the zymotic death
rate was less than half that for 1942. Scabies was made
notifiable in 1943 and the Council's scheme to prevent the
spread of infection appears to have met with success, as
the number of Kensington cases attending the cleansing
station was fewer than in the previous peak year, Diphtheria
is still on the decline and there is no doubt that
the immunisation work in past years is now having its
effect on the incidence of this disease.
Both the birth rate and the death rate for the
year showed a slight increase when compared with last year's
figures. A pleasing feature of the year's work was the
substantial drop in the infant mortality rate from 65 in
1942 to 52 in 1943. The maternal mortality rate also
dropped from 3.9 to 1.7. The infant and maternal mortality
rates were the lowest recorded for the borough.
Staff shortages have made increased demands on
the individual officers of the public health department,
who appreciate the encouragement and support they have received
from the Mayor, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of to
the Public Health Committee and all members of the Council.


Area of Borough 2,291 acresNo. of deaths 1,769
Rateable Value £2,995,268No. of infant deaths 88
Product of Id. rate £8,840(a) legitimate 76
Total live births 1,698(b) illegitimate 12
(a) legitimate 1,479Infant Mortality rate:-
(b) illegitimate 219(a) All infants per 1,000 births 52
Total still births 46(b) Legitimate infants per 1,000 legitimate' births 51
(a) legitimate 39(c) Illegitimate infants per 1,000 illegitimate births 55
(b) illegitimate 7No. of maternal death 3
Still birth-rate per 1,000 live births 27.1Maternal mortality rate per 1,000 total live and still births 1.7