London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Fulham 1947

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Fulham Borough]

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Other examinations.

Enteric Fever6
Urine Tests180

Vaccination. The annual return furnished to the Ministry of
Health showed that 53.2 per cent of the children born in 1946
had been successfully vaccinated by 31st January 1948.
Disinfection and Laundry Services. 273 rooms were disinfected
after cases of Infectious Disease and 1784 articles were stoved.
6590 dressing gowns from the Maternity Home were sterilized.
The volume of laundry work undertaken at the Disinfecting
Station for the Maternity Home, Day Nurseries, etc., showed a
sharp increase and 43,367 articles were laundered during the
year. This total included 14,566 sheets, 22,858 towels, and
2,232 overalls.
Foot Clinic. This Clinic has been open for 11 sessions per
week, and 3,630 attendances were made.