London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Fulham 1933

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Fulham Borough]

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Massage Clinic.
The massage work is now done entirely at Bishop
Creighton House by Miss Christian Wickham, to
whom we are indebted for much time and thought
spent on the mothers and children. The psychological
help which mothers and children receive at
the Massage Centre is of great value.
The sessions are held twice weekly and take
up the whole morning.
Dental Clinic.
Mr. William E. Dodd continues to conduct the
Council's dental work for mothers and children
attending the Infant Welfare Centres, and a special
Dental Session is held weekly at 92, Greyhound Road.
Every effort is made by the Council's Medical Officers,
both at the Infant Welfare sessions and the AnteNatal
clinics, to urge the necessity for dental care
and supervision, but it is often difficult to persuade
mothers of the importance of conservative treatment
of their teeth and those of their children.
Mothers receiving treatment 139
Children receiving treatment 81
Attendances made by mothers 326
Attendances made by children 176
Dentures supplied 10
Repairs to Dentures 3
Teeth filled :
Mothers 20
Children 63
Teeth extracted :
Mothers 302
Children 124
Mothers 17
Children 12
Examinations—no treatment required 27
Gas 10
Ordinary 34