London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Fulham 1933

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Fulham Borough]

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Report by the Medical Officer in charge of
the Maternity and Child Welfare Department
(Miss Ruby Thomson, M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H.) on
the work of the department.
The year 1933 has been a difficult one trom
many points of view for the Maternity and Child
Welfare Department. For half the year we were
without a complete permanent medical staff, and
for three quarters of the year much of the work
of the Health Visitors had to be carried on under
temporary arrangements.
Dr. Park left Fulham in March to take up a
better appointment, and it was not until the end
of August that the Council was able to fill her
post and Dr. Barrett assumed duty. Dr. Barrett
has taken on the same general duties as those
done by Dr. Park, i.e., clinical charge of the
Babies' Hospital, and a share of the general
clinical work of the department.
Owing to the fact that the temporary Health
Visitors had first to make the acquaintance of
their districts, the visits paid by them were fewer
than normal, and this lowered the total number
of visits paid by Health Visitors. In addition,
there was a good deal of illness amongst the
staff, when it was impossible to put in a locum
tenens. On the other hand, we had a locum
tenens for two-thirds of the holiday period.
On 1st April, 1933, the London County Council
handed over to the Borough Council the supervision
of all foster-mothers in Fulham, under an
order of the Ministry of Health. This has added
very greatly to my own work. Miss Perrett, who
has been for many years on the health visiting
staff, was appointed Infant Life Protection Visitor
to the Council.