London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chelsea 1944

Annual report of the Medical Officer of Health for Chelsea, 1944

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To the Mayor, Aldermen and Councillors
of the Metropolitan Borough of Chelsea.
Mr. Mayor, Ladies and Gentlemen,
During the year ended 31st December, 1938, four hundred samples
were submitted to me for analysis by the Sampling Officers appointed
under the Act. Of these 261 samples were taken as " Formal," and 139
were purchased informally.
It has not been the custom for your Sampling Officers to discuss the
nature of samples submitted with the Public Analyst, and the wide range
of substances chosen reflects credit on them.
In the tables are shown the names and numbers of samples examined,
whether submitted formally or informally, and the number of each type
reported as " Adulterated " or " Inferior."
Only two samples were returned as adultered, and the Borough is to
be congratulated that the percentage of adulteration is only 0.5 per cent.
Two other samples were reported to be inferior because they did not comply
with the standard, which your Analyst expects, although they could
not be described as adulterated. All samples not reported as adulterated
or inferior were returned as " Genuine."

All samples not reported as adulterated or inferior were returned as " Geunine."

Article.Taken FromallyAdulterated.Taken informallyAdulteratedTotal samples AnalysedTotal Samples Adulterated
Milk, Condensed002020
Milk, Malted001010
Milk, Soured001010
Almonds, Ground or
Baking Powder200020
Blanc-Mange and
Custard Powders700070
Cake and Pudding
Cereal Food100010
Cheese0011 (I)11 (I)
Cherries, Glac6100010
Cocoa, Malted001010
CoSee and Chicory600060
Cream, Fresh004040
Cream, Tinned001010
Fish, Preserved6060120
Fish Paste002020