London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chelsea 1944

Annual report of the Medical Officer of Health for Chelsea, 1944

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TABLE No. 52.

Treatment of Tuberculosis, Year

Diagnosis.Pulmonary.Non-Pulmonary.Total.Grand Total.
A.—New cases examined during the year (excluding contacts)—
(a) Definitely tuberculous1820324182072249
(b) Diagnosis not completed------------
(c) Non-tuberculous7210071211--421071211
B.—Contacts examined during the year :—
(a) Definitely tuberculous14-14-
(b) Diagnosis not completed--_120
(c) Non-tuberculous1537372615373726
C.—Cases written off the Dispensary Register as:—
(a) Recovered641--1-651-329
(b) Non-tuberculous (including any such cases previously diagnosed and entered on the Dispensary Register as tuberculous)871144937----8714449307
D.—Number of Cases on Dispensary Register on December 31st •—
(a) Definitely tuberculous837592511318886123189
(b) Diagnosis not completed_------
1. Number of cases on Dispensary Register on January 1st1852. Number of cases transferred from other areas and cases returned after discharge under Head 3 in previous years24
3. Number of cases transferred to other areas, cases not desiring further assistance under the scheme, and cases " lost sight of"42cases written off during the year as Dead (all causes)21
6. Number of Insured Persons under Domiciliary Treatment on the • 31st December4
6. Number of attendances at the Dispensary (including Contacts)1184
7. Number of consultations with medical practitioners:—8. Number of visits by Tuberculosis Officers to homes (including personal consultations)15
(a) Personal ...8
(6) Other4410. Number of:—
9. Number of visits by Nurses or(a) Specimens of sputum, etc., examined11l
Health Visitors to homes for Dispensary purposes ...1404(b) X-ray examinations made in connection with Dispensary work632
11. Number of " Recovered " cases restored to Dispensary Register, and included in A (a) and A (b) aboveNIL12. Number of " T.B. plus " cases on Dispensary Register on December 31st50
B.—Number of Dispensaries for the treatment of Tuberculosis (excluding centres used only for special forms of treatment):— Provided by the Council Provided by Voluntary Bodies One
(Signed) W. H. L. MCCARTHY, Chief Tuberculosis Officer.