London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chelsea 1939

Annual report of the Medical Officer of Health for Chelsea, 1939

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Ophthalmia Neonatorum 68
Poliomyelitis and Polio-Encephalitis 69
Encephalitis Lethargica 69
Chicken Pox 09
Smallpox and Vaccination 69
Venereal Disease 70
Disinfection 70
Infectious Diseases Shelter 70
Disinfestation 71
(b.) Tuberculosis 71
Notifications and Mortality 71
Cases of Tuberculosis in the Borough 72
Public Health (Prevention of Tuberculosis) Regulations, 1925 73
Chelsea Tuberculosis Scheme 73
Dispensary and Institutional Facilities for Treatment 77
Co-operation with Hospitals and I.C.A.A. 77
Co-operation with School Medical Service 78
Co-operation with Medical Practitioners 78
Home Contacts 78
Artificial Pneumo-thorax Treatment 78
Home Nursing 78
Extra Nourishment 78
Non-Tuberculous Cases 78
Orthopaedic Treatment 79
Dental Treatment 79
Bacteriological Examinations 79
Care and After-Care Work 79
Report of the Public Analyst 82
Population Exposed to Risk. For the calculation
of birth and death rates, comparable numbers of exposed,
to risk have been furnished as follows:-
For Birth Rates: the estimated resident
population including non-civilians as at the middle of
the year.
For General Death Rates: a population estimate,
constructed so as to allow for the exclusion of noncivilians
during the last quarter and for the different
areal assignment of deaths adopted for the first three
and the last Quarters, respectively.
For Infant and Maternal Mortality Rates: the
number of births according To the system of areal
assignment adopted for the deaths.