London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chelsea 1938

Report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year 1938

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The following table gives details of the work of the clinic during the past two years. TABLE 41A.

Preliminary Schick Tested.Commenced treatment without Schick Test.Immunised.Discontinued treatment and removed from register.No. under treatment at end of year.
YearNo. of new cases.Preschool Age.School Age.Naturally ImmunePre-School Age.School Age.

Diphtheria Anti-toxin.—Anti-toxin is supplied, in prophylactic and
in curative doses, free of charge to any medical practitioner requiring
it for Chelsea patients. An anti-toxin syringe, needles and steriliser
are also available. Further details will-be found on page 28.
Notifications.—During the year, 87 cases of Scarlet Fever were
notified, the figure for 1937 being 96. Information was received from
the L.C.C. Hospitals that 7 of the cases proved not to be Scarlet Fever.
The actual number of cases was therefore 80. No " return " case of the
disease occurred during the year.
Deaths.—There was one death from Scarlet Fever during the year.

Table 42 shows the incidence of the disease during the past two years TABLE No. 42.

Year.Cases (Corrected).Percentage of Removals.Deaths.Case Mortality Rate.Percentage of cases of School-age 3-13 years.Month of greatest prevalence.

No application of the Dick test or of artificial immunization against
Scarlet Fever has yet been made in the Borough.
From 1st October, 1938, these diseases were made notifiable in respect
to the first case occurring in the house. Subsequent cases occurring
within a period of two months of primary case are not required to be
notified by the Doctor in attendance.