London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chelsea 1938

Report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year 1938

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Milk Supply.—In accordance with statutory enactments, the Council
keeps a register of persons carrying on the trade of dairymen or purveyors
of milk and no person is permitted to carry on the trade in the Borough
unless he is registered. The Council is empowered to remove the name
from or refuse to enter upon the register the name of any person selling
or proposing to sell milk on premises which are for any reason unsuitable
for the purpose.
The Milk and Dairies (Amendment) Act, 1922, further empowers the
Council to refuse to enter the name of any person in the Register, or
to remove the name of any person from that Register, if it is shown
to the Council's satisfaction that the public health is or is likely to be
endangered by any act of default of such person in relation to the quality,
storage or distribution of milk.
The premises at which registered purveyors of milk carry on their
business have been subject to frequent inspection. During the year two
applications were made for registration as purveyors of milk, which, after
appropriate investigation, were approved by the Council. In Table No.
33 (page 46) is shown the alterations which took place in the Register
of Milk Purveyors during the year.
During the year there were 96 inspections of dairies and milkshops
made in the Borough. Notices were served requiring remedy of defects
found on two of the premises visited. There are no cowsheds in the
Milk (Special Designations) Order, 1936 and 1938.—The following
Table, No. 39, shows the number of licences granted for the sale of
milk under the special designations prescribed by the Order. There were
29 applications from 13 retailers under the Milk (Special Designations)
Order for licences to sell special grades of milk. All these licences were
granted. In each case the licence was granted for the purpose of
authorising the dealer to sell specially designated milk from shops within
the Borough. No application has been made for a licence giving authority
to set up bottling or pasteurising establishments in the Borough.

TABLE No. 39. Licences Granted under Milk (Special Designations) Order.

To sell "Accredited" Milk1
To sell "Tuberculin Tested" Milk9
To sell " Pasteurised " Milk15
Supplementary Licences4