London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chelsea 1937

Report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year 1937

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The following table shows the Maternal Mortality in Chelsea during the past two years:— TABLE No. 19.

Year.Death-rate per 1,000 Total (Live and Still) Births.Total Death-rate.
Puerperal Fever.Other complica-tions of Pregnancy and Childbirth.

The Census Returns have consistently shown that there is a considerably
higher percentage of persons of advanced age living in Chelsea
than in any other Metropolitan Borough. The 1931 Census Returns
showed that in London generally 7.3 per cent, of the total population
were included in the age-group 65 and upwards. In Chelsea, however,
no less than 10.2 per cent, of the total population constituted the agegroup
65 and upwards.
These facts must be borne in mind in any analysis of the Chelsea
mortality rate, as they are naturally reflected in the death returns.
In 1937, deaths of pensioners in the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, accounted
for 73 deaths, inward transfers included (equivalent to 1.3 of the death
rate). For many years past more than half the deaths in Chelsea have
occurred in persons over 65 years of age.
The Ministry of Health directs that any causes of sickness and invalidity
which have been specially noteworthy in the area during the year should
be specified.
There was no unusual or excessive mortality during the year, nor was
the amount of sickness and invalidity, as far as could be ascertained,
such as to call for any special comment in this report.
No special effects of any particular occupation, prejudically affecting
the health of workers therein, have been reported.