London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chelsea 1936

Report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year 1936

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(1) Number of dwelling houses in respect of which notices were served requiring defects to be remedied290
(2) Number of dwelling houses in which defects were remedied after service of formal notices:—
(a.) By owners56
(b.) By local authority in default of owners
(C)Proceedings under sections 19 and 21 of the Housing Act, 1930:—
(1) Number of dwelling houses in respect of which Demolition Orders were made_
(2) Number of dwelling houses demolished in pursuance of Demolition Orders
D.Proceedings under section 20 of the Housing Act, 1930:—
(1) Number of separate tenements or underground rooms in respect of which Closing Orders were made
(2) Number of separate tenements or underground rooms in respect of which Closing Orders were determined, the tenement or room having been rendered fit
4. Housing Act, 1935. Overcrowding.
(a)(i) Number of dwellings overcrowded at end of year524
(ii) Number of families dwelling therein547
(iii) Number of persons dwelling therein3063
(b)Number of new cases of overcrowding reported during the yearNone
(c)(i) Number of cases of overcrowding relieved during the year36
(ii) Number of persons concerned in such cases (In addition, 169 families have removed, consisting of 920 persons)174
(d)Particulars of any cases in which dwelling-houses have again become overcrowded after the Local Authority have taken steps for the abatement of overcrowdingNone
(e)Any other particulars with respect to overcrowding conditions upon which the Medical Officer of Health may consider it desirable to report. Although overcrowding conditions in Chelsea have been much less prevalent than in many other metropolitan boroughs, definite alleviation has taken place since the Housing Act of 1935 become operative. Thirty-six cases of overcrowding in houses owned by the Local Authority have been abated.