London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chelsea 1936

Report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year 1936

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Keeping animals in an improper manner or place
Defective manure cages
Accumulation of manure or refuse6
Rat nuisance102
Underground rooms
Food Condemned and Destroyed2
3 sacks of Brussel Sprouts. 2 lbs. of Blackcurrants.
Rooms disinfected after Zymotic diseases (Scarlet Fever, Diphtheria, etc.)278
Rooms disinfected after Tuberculous disease73
Rooms fumigated for verminous and filthy conditions376
Miscellaneous disinfection73
Certificates of disinfection given158
School notices after disinfection148
Notices sent to Public Library of Premises where infectious diseases have occurred105
Proceedings taken.
Intimation Notices served402
Statutory Notices under Public Health (London) Act, 189156
Statutory Notices under Section 17 of Housing Act, 1930
Statutory Notices under byelaws for provision of dustbins4
Total number of samples purchased for analysis under the Food and Drugs (Adulteration) Act301
Samples of cream taken12
Samples of drugs taken20
Samples (informal) purchased99
Legal proceedings instituted in respect of defective sanitary conditions and nuisances1
Legal proceedings under Milk and Dairies Amendment Act, 1922
Legal proceedings in respect of unsound food
Certificates issued in accordance with " Rent Restrictions Act "
Entries in Inhabitants' Complaint Book322
Cleansing and Disinfection.
Number of adults cleansed7
Number of children cleansed513
Number of rooms or premises cleansed or disinfected800
Number of persons treated for Scabies24
Number of articles (bedding, etc.) disinfected4,908
Number of articles (various) destroyed462
Disinfection Station Shelter.
Persons accommodated :—
Number of bodies received7
Number of infectious bodies received_
Number of bodies removed to Public Mortuary on Sanitary grounds
Number of bodies detained in Mortuary Chapel6