London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chelsea 1936

Report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year 1936

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Complaints.—The number of complaints received during the year
was 322, compared with 546 last year. The complaints are, in the majority
of cases, from the occupiers of houses and deal with alleged nuisances.
These complaints are investigated by the Sanitary Inspectors, who,
when the circumstances justify, serve the necessary notices required for
the abatement of the nuisances.
Closet Accommodation.—The water carriage system is general
throughout the Borough.
Removal and Disposal of Refuse.—House refuse is removed by
the Works Department of the Council. A bi-weekly collection is made.
The refuse is conveyed to the Council's Wharf on the river Thames,
whence it is barged away. Inoffensive trade refuse is removed by the
Council on payment of a fee in accordance with the provisions of section 92
of the Public Health (London) Act, 1936. Fish offal and other offensive
trade products, which could be removed on application as trade refuse,
are invariably removed and sold by the persons to whom this class of
refuse belongs.
Sanitary Inspection of the Borough.—Prepared by the Senior
Sanitary Inspector and set out on the following pages is a summary of
the work carried out by the Sanitary Inspectors.
During the year, the number of intimation notices served was 402.
The number of statutory notices was 56. These compared with 465
and 66 in 1935. In one case an owner neglected to comply with a statutory
notice and it was found necessary to issue a summons. Details of this
prosecution is set out in tabular form in Table No. 32.

Summary of Work carried out by Sanitary Inspectors duringthe Year.

On complaint of nuisance385
On notification of infectious disease (including non-notifiable diseases)369
House to House126
Re-inspection calls made3,715
Inspection of:—
Ice Cream Premises35
Houses Let in Lodgings10
Restaurant Kitchens50
Marine Stores11
Food Premises other than above66
Premises under Meat Regulations30
Factories and Workshops289
Outworkers' Premises28
Common Lodging Houses20
Other visits435
Verminous Premises170
Rat enquiries102
Smoke observations10