London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chelsea 1936

Report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year 1936

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Provision has been made by the Borough Council whereby necessitous
women may obtain the services of a Maternity Nurse or Midwife at a
reduced rate, the balance of the fee being paid by the Council.
The fees charged vary from £2 to £2 2s. for Primipara cases, and
£1 10s. for Multipara cases.
Arrangements on this basis have been made with the Ormond Home
for Midwives (Blantyre-street, Chelsea), and with Midwives Andrews and
Briggs, who are practising midwives in the Borough. All cases must in
the first instance be approved by the Milk and Welfare Sub-committee.
The Sub-Committee meets weekly to consider applications and assess
cases according to the income of the family. Contributions by patients
towards the cost of midwifery assistance are collected by the Maternity
Nurse or Midwife who undertakes the case.

In the following Table No. 22 is shown, for the past two years, the number of applications for midwifery attendance, the number provided with such attendance, the amount of assessment on cases attended and the nett expenditure by the Council for this service :— TABLE No. 22.

Year.(1) No. of applications for services of(2) Total number provided with aAmount of Assessment on cases attended.Nett Cost to Council.
Maternity Nurse.Midwife.Maternity Nurse.Midwife.Maternity Nurse.Midwife.Maternity Nurse.Midwife.
19363332181892911 3

Note.—(1) Includes applications refused and cases subsequently withdrawn.
(2) Includes cases assessed during previous year.
The London County Council is the Authority responsible for the supervision
of midwives in the Borough. Through the courtesy of Sir Frederick
Menzies, the County Medical Officer of Health, I have been able to
ascertain that 10 midwives gave notice during the year of their intention
to practise as midwives in Chelsea. Of these, two are engaged in
private practice, the remainder being employed on the staff of various
hospitals, institutions and maternity homes within the Borough.
Home Helps are employed by the Borough Council for service in the
homes of necessitous women during confinement. A panel scheme
is in operation under which selected women are placed upon a roster
and their services utilised in rotation. This system is found to be very
successful in its working. The following Table No. 23 shows, for the past
two years, the number of applications received for Home Help service,
the number of cases attended, the amount of assessment on cases attended
and the nett expenditure by the Council for this service :—