London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chelsea 1929

Annual report of the Medical Officer of Health for Chelsea, 1929

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The statistics regarding births and deaths of infants will be found on
pages 8 and 16 of this report. The maternal death rate is dealt with
on page 73.
General Arrangements—The Borough Council's scheme for Maternity
and Child Welfare includes the following activities :—
(a.) The issue of pamphlets giving advice on various matters
Concerning the welfare of mothers and infants.
(b.) The co-ordination of the work of the voluntary Maternity
and Child Welfare agencies in the Borough.
(c.) The home visitation of expectant and nursing mothers and
infants by a staff of Health Visitors who work (a.) from the Town
Hall, and (b.) from the Centres of the Chelsea Health Society.
(d.) The subsidisation of the Chelsea Health Society's Maternity
and Child Welfare Centres and Clinics for mothers, infants and young
(e.) The subsidisation of the local branch of the Invalid Children's
Aid Association.
(f.) The subsidisation of the voluntary Day Nursery in the
(g.) The subsidisation of the Chelsea District Nursing Association
for the home nursing of expectant and nursing mothers and young
(h.) The provision of Home Helps.
(i.) The provision of midwifery attendance, free or at reduced
rates, for necessitous Chelsea women.
(j) The provision of Convalescent Home accommodation for
nursing mothers and infants.
(k.) The supply of milk free or at reduced rates, for necessitous
nursing and expectant mothers, infants and young' children.
(l.) The administration of the Widows', Orphans' and Old Age
Contributory Pensions Acts, 1925 and 1929, in respect of deserted,
abandoned or neglected children.
Duties.—The duties alloted to the Health Visitor are as follows :—
1. To visit the homes of all newly-born children amongst the working
classes within 21 days after birth, and subsequently as circumstances
2. To visit the homes and make investigations in regard to stillbirths
and infant deaths.