London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hammersmith 1926

Annual report of the Medical Officer of Health of the Borough of Hammersmith for the year 1926

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I have advised the Council that the number of Health
Visitors is too small. It is impossible for three Health
Visitors to adequately visit and keep under observation
over 2,000 new babies each year, and also keep in touch
with all children up to the age of five years.
A large proportion of deaths of children under 1 year
occur in the first few weeks, and it is during this period
that the advice of the Health Visitors is most essential.
As I have already said it is impossible to carry on with
the present staff.

The visits paid are enumerated in detail below:—

First visits1,905
Re-visits (under 1 year)2,230
Be-visits (1 to 5 years)1,345
Out and removals2,090
Special visits424
Ophthalmia, first visits23
Ophthalmia Be-visits8
Puerperal Fever7
Puerperal Pyrexia5
Ante-natal, first visits422
Ante-natal, re-visits64
Visits to Stillbirths56
Visits to Infant Deaths130
Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis
Encephalitis Lethargica6
Epidemic Diarrhoea1

Number of Consultations at Infant Welfare Centres,
attended by Health Visitors 430
Number of Committee Meetings of Voluntary Associations
attended 42
Number of Insanitary Conditions reported by Health
Visitors and dealt with by Sanitary Inspectors 41

The feeding of the2,078 infants visited was found to be as follows:—

Artificial feeding142
Mixed feeding78

Every effort is made by the Health Visitors to encourage
mothers to breast-feed their infants, and also to induce them
to attend the Consultations at the Infant Welfare Centres, so
that both mother and child may be kept under observation
during the most critical months of the child's life.