London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Battersea 1927

Report on the health of the Metropolitan Borough of Battersea for the year 1927

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The public Health (Preservatives, etc., in Food) Regulations,
permit the presence of Sulphur Dioxide in sausages to an amount
not exceeding 450 parts per million, but the presence of preservative
must be indicated on the label. These two samples were, therefore,
found not to comply with the requirements as to disclosure. Summonses
were issued in respect of this offence but were dismissed
on payment of two guineas costs (vide p. 66).
In the early part of the year, an informal sample of Self-Raising
Flour was reported upon adversely by the Public Analyst as containing
dried soda alum as an acid constituent of the leavening
mixture. A formal sample from the same source was similarly
reported upon. A subsequent investigation showed that Baking
Powder of an American origin had been mixed with flour in the
preparation of this article. The attention of the retailer was
called to the matter and he agreed to discontinue the sale of the
article. It is satisfactory to record that the use of alum for the
purpose in this country has long been discontinued. Eleven
further samples of Self-Raising flour were reported as genuine.
Thirteen samples of rice (5 formal and 8 informal) were procured
and submitted to the Public Analyst and all were reported
as genuine.
Of these, one formal and one informal sample proved to be
polished with the aid of talc, the coating in the first case amounting
to 0.22 per cent. and in the second to 0.20 per cent.
Thirty-three samples of vinegar were procured formally and
submitted to the Public Analyst. Three of these were reported to
be deficient in acetic acid to the extent of 18 per cent., 5 per cent.
and 28 per cent. respectively. The result of the legal proceedings
in respect of these samples is shewn on pp. 64 and 65.
Ice Cream Vendors.
There are 149 premises in the borough from which ice cream
is sold, 21 of these being occupied by Italian vendors by whom this
article of food is sold.
All the premises, stalls, barrows, &c., from which the trade
is carried on are kept under daily inspection during the season.
During 1927, 4 of the ice cream premises were removed from the
register and 5 were added. There was, therefore, an increase of
1 in the number of premises compared with 1926.
During the year 514 inspections were made and 21 notices
were served to remedy defects found on inspection. In addition,
during the summer season a daily inspection of street barrows and
the utensils, glasses, towels, &c., used thereon was carried out.
The improvement in the manner in which this commodity is
now sold, referred to in previous annual reports, is being maintained.