London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Battersea 1921

Report on the health of the Metropolitan Borough of Battersea for the year 1921

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Work of the Tuberculosis Dispensary.
The annual report of the Tuberculosis Officer for the year
1921 states that during the year 745 new patients were referred
to the Dispensary for diagnosis and treatment, an increase of
27 on the previous. year's figures.
Of the 745 new cases examined 197 (i.e., 26ยท4 per cent.)
were diagnosed as definitely tuberculous. Of the 197
definite cases, 168 were adults and 29 children. Of the 168
adults 121 were insured (including 68 ex-Service men), and 47
non-insured persons.
Of the 745 new patients 323 who were, more or less,
suspect were kept under observation for varying periods, and
225 patients found on first examination to be non-tuberculous
were discharged.
In addition to the 745 new patients during the year 292
"contacts" (i.e., members of the families of tuberculous
patients, or persons living in close contact) were examined.
Of these 99 were adults and 193 children.
Cases notified from the Dispensary.
During the year 21 "suspects" were diagnosed as
definitely tuberculous. These must be added to the 197 new
cases, making a total of 218 definitely diagnosed cases notified
to the Medical Officer of Health from the Dispensary. Of
this total 145 were primary notifications, the remaining 73
patients having been notified to the Medical Officer of Health
prior to attending the Dispensary.
The number of old patients attending during the year
was 925, and the total number of attendances of patients was
Domiciliary visits by Tuberculosis Officer.
During the year 269 visits were paid by the Tuberculosis
Officer (Dr. Macdonald) to patients in their own homes. These
visits are paid at the request of the Ministry of Pensions,
medical practitioners, and to newly notified cases who are
attending the Dispensary in order to become acquainted with
their home conditions.
Visits by Dispensary Nurses.
The total number of visits paid by the Dispensary
nursing staff to the homes of tuberculous patients during the
year was 3,599, as compared with 2,809 in 1920.