London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bethnal Green 1927

Report on the health of the Borough of Bethnal Green during the year 1927

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The following carcases or olfal were condemned and destroyed for reasons shown:—

Bullocks' Livers10 Distomatosis
do.2 Abscess
do.1 Tumour
Bullocks' Pluck1 Abscesses
do. Lungs1 Pneumonia
do. do.3 Tubercular
do. do.1 Abscess
Sheep's Carcase1 Braxy
do. do.9 Unsaleable
do. do.1 Pneumonia
do. Lungs3 Abscess
do. Pluck3 Cysts
Pigs' Heads1 Tubercular
do. Pluck1 Tubercular

There are 8 slaughterhouses for poultry in use,
all of them situated in the West ward of the Borough:
108 visits were paid to them during the year. There
are also 5 premises on which poultry are kept prior
to slaughter, and to which the by-laws would apply.
Premises on which slaughtering of poultry is
carried on:—
147, 151, 159 and 267, Brick Lane, 107, Bethnal
Green Road, 80, Virginia Road, 71, Church Street
and 36, Hare Street.
In addition to the special inspections of slaughterhouses
and other premises where food is prepared or
sold, the Food Inspectors keep stalls and market places
under regular supervision, particularly during the
week-end. The District Sanitary Inspectors also keep
general observation in the course of their duties.