London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bethnal Green 1926

Report on the health of the Borough of Bethnal Green during the year 1926

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Cases of Notifiable Diseases Notified During the Year 1926 in Bethnal Green.

DiseaseNumber of Cases Notified
AllAgesUnder 1year1 and under 5 years5 and under 15 years15 and under 25 years25 and under 45years45 and under 65 years65 and upwards
Small Pox................
Diphtheria (including Membranous Croup)6461323134041162..
Scarlet Fever4698167259269....
Typhus Fever................
Enteric Fever144432....
Puerperal Fever8......26....
Cerebro-spinal Fever431..........
Acute Poliomyelitis211..........
Acute Encephalitis Lethargica6..122......
Ophthalmia Neonatorum5050............
Acute Polio-encephalitis1..1..........
Acute Primary Pneumonia19315544020272611
Acute Influenzal Pneumonia3313..81632
Pulmonary Tuberculosis154..374343517
Other forms of Tuberculosis57..102211932
Cholera, Plague, Relapsing Fever................
Continued Fever1......1......
Hydrophobia, Glanders................