London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bethnal Green 1926

Report on the health of the Borough of Bethnal Green during the year 1926

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Particulars of attendances:-
Expectant Mothers—first visits396l003
„ ,, subsequent visits607
Mothers recently confined—first visits119177
,, ,, „ subsequent visits58

The number of sessions was 101, and the average
attendance per session was 11.7.
Forty-three of the mothers who attended for
pre-natal care also attended the Maternity Clinic after
their confinement, and 13 of these mothers were pent
away to a Convalescent Home.

The expectant mothers, 396 in number, may be grouped as follows:—

The expectant mothers, 396 in number, may be grouped as follows:—
Number of primigravidæ69
Number of multigravidæ327
Full-term confinements, including 3 stillbirths186
Premature births2
Caesarian section2
Miscarriages (14) and Stillbirths (4)18
Not pregnant56
Not yet confined120
Left Borough, result unknown10
Wassermann reaction for syphilis:—
Number of blood-tests4
Number of positive2