London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bermondsey 1929

Report on the sanitary condition of the Borough of Bermondsey for the year 1929

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(2) That arrangements be made with the two lady doctors on
the staff of the Borough Council to attend at intervals a
specialist course on ante-natal work, and as a condition of
grant payable by the Borough Council in aid of any
Voluntary Ante-Natal Centre, the Medical Officer in
charge of that particular Voluntary Ante-Natal Centre
be required to produce evidence of special training.
The scheme is now in partial operation. The final arrangements
with Guy's Hospital have not yet been completed and the
full approval of the Ministry has not yet been obtained. I have
had a number of meetings with the midwives on the subject, and
am satisfied that they will co-operate with us in working the
scheme. I would like to emphasise three main points in the
scheme, which I regard as being of the utmost importance:—
(1) That adequate ante-natal supervision from the earliest
possible moment up to the date of confinement should be
secured for every mother.
(2) That the handywoman should not be allowed to undertake
any nursing duties whatsoever.
(3) That the midwives should work in close and amicable
relations with the Health Visitors.
The home continues to function quietly and efficiently. There
has been a slight increase in the number of women admitted
during the year, and I am glad to be able to report that there has
been an increasing tendency to seek admission during the winter
Number of women admitted 249
Number of babies admitted 115
Number of toddlers admitted 103