London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bermondsey 1929

Report on the sanitary condition of the Borough of Bermondsey for the year 1929

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101 exposures to mercury vapour lamp the gland had decreased
in size and was small and firm. Her general condition improved
considerably, and patient was able to start work.
E.M. (female, aged 12). Had a large gland under the left
sternomastoid. After 209 exposures to mercury vapour lamp the
condition was arrested. The gland was small and hard, and her
general condition was good.
As was reported last year cases of non-pulmonary tuberculosis
in which the part affected has "broken down," with consequent
sinus formation, show marked improvement, and good results with
ultra-violet light. This is well illustrated by the following cases:
E.S. (female, aged 42). Had a tuberculous abscess of
sternum, with a tender swelling over the sternum and two discharging
sinuses. After four months' treatment with the mercury
vapour lamp, the swelling had subsided, tenderness was gone and
the sinuses were healed.
I.M. (female, aged 11). Had tuberculous dacro-cystitis (left
eye). An operation had already been performed at a general
hospital, but a sinus persisted. Ultra-violet light was started and
in three months the sinus had healed. Treatment was continued
till there was no further likelihood of relapse.
In the cases of lupus and of Bazin's Disease improvement in
the diseased conditions were also obtained.
As was reported last year the number of cases of Pulmonary
Tuberculosis put on treatment was small and gradual insolation
was again practised. None of these cases showed any marked
In the Maternity and Child Welfare section 238 new cases
began treatment; 172 were discharged and 7,333 attendances
were made. Nearly half the children were suffering from anaemia,
debility and malnutrition, and all those who attended regularly
for a period of two to three months showed considerable improvement
in their general condition. Most of the bronchitis cases
were babies who suffered from bronchitis during teething. The
000majority continued to have a certain amount of bronchitis, but