London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bethnal Green 1922

Report on the health of the Borough of Bethnal Green during the year 1922

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Of the 4,168 workmen and contractors whose
names appeared on the lists sent in by employers, 2,870
resided within the Borough. In 1921 the number was
smaller, being 2,546. This figure, 2,870, is approximately
double the number of individual workers, as in
the majority of cases the same people are notified
in February and in August.
The number of visits paid to Home Workers'
dwellings was 2,855. The number of premises found
to be in an insanitary condition was 495, or 26 per
cent, of the 1,883 premises inspected. Notices were
served in 410 cases, the other 85 premises being already
under notice arising from other visits.