London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1919

Annual report on the health, sanitary condition, &c., of the Borough for the year1919

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Report oj the Medical Officer of Health. 31
The Mortuaries in Clapham, Streatham and Wandsworth
have been visited several times during the year, and I am able to
report that the By-laws and Regulations have been carried out in
a satisfactory manner.
In Clapham, 14 bodies were removed to the Mortuary, in
Streatham 1 r, and in Wandsworth 124—of which 39 were from
Wandsworth, 18 from Putney, 27 from Tooting, 40 from Battersea
-—a total of 149.
The new mortuary in Wandsworth is now in course of erection.
Amount of Poor Law Relief.
The Clerk to the Board of Guardians has kindly given me the
following information with reference to the above :—
(1) No. of admissions to the Poor Law Institutions 2,591
(2) No. of medical orders given 1,432
(3) No. of cases in receipt of outdoor relief 426
(4) Amount of outdoor relief given .. .. .. £7,411
The total number of deaths in Poor Law Institutions was 773,
or 20.5 per cent, of the total deaths. Of these, only 19 deaths
occurred in Poor Law Institutions in the Borough, and 754 outside
the Borough.
The Extent to which Hospital and other Forms of Gratuitous Medical
Relief are Utilised.
This can at present only be given as far as the number of deaths
is concerned, as this Department has no means of ascertaining the
number of cases from the Borough treated by such institutions.
The following Table shows the various institutions in which
deaths occurred during the year and the number of deaths in each.