London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Finsbury 1914

Annual report on the public health of Finsbury for the year 1914

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The actual number of notifications received in 1914 was 930,
but of these many refer to the same patient. There were 382
primary notifications, of which 118 were from poor law sources,
117 from hospitals and dispensaries, 4 from schools, and 143 from
private doctors. In reference to the 118 poor law cases, there were
received 666 notifications, re-notifications, and notices of discharge.
This means that each poor law case was notified on an
average at least five times, and is due to the fact that these pauper
cases are restless in institutions, and frequently come out,
especially at holiday time, and later seek re-admission.
Two hundred and sixty cases gave a Clerkenwell address, 120
lived in St. Luke, 2 in St. Sepulchre.
Institutions.—The institutions and the number of notifications
from each are appended:—
Holborn Union Workhouse and Infirmary, 118; St. Bartholomew's
Hospital, 24; the Finsbury Dispensary, Brewer Street
North, 23; Royal Chest Hospital, City Road, 18; Brompton Chest
Hospital, 8; Downs Sanatorium, Epsom, 7; Long Grove Asylum,
3; Royal General Dispensary, Aldersgate„ E.C., 3; Northern
Hospital, Winchmore Hill, 3; Horton Asylum, Epsom, 3; Hospital
for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, W.C., 2; Mount
Vernon Hospital, Hampstead, N.W., 2; North-Eastern Fever
Hospital, Tottenham, 2; French Hospital, Great St. Andrew
Street, W.C., 2; and one from each of the following: Royal
National Hospital for Consumption, Ventnor, Isle of Wight;
Ewell Epileptic Colony, Surrey; University College Hospital,
Gower Street, W.C. ; Central London Throat and Ear Hospital,
Gray's Inn Road, W.C. ; Frimley Sanatorium, Surrey; Southwark
Infirmary; St. Pancras Infirmary, Dartmouth Park Hill; Military
Hospital, Weymouth; Aldershot Camp; Royal Naval Hospital,
Chatham; Royal Herbert Hospital, Woolwich; St. Thomas's Hospital;
the Chest Hospital, Bonner Road, Victoria Park; and the
Homoeopathic Hospital, Queen's Square, W.C.
One hundred and one Finsbury patients received institutional
treatment in a sanatorium—other than in a poor law infirmary,
and chiefly as insured patients under the National Insurance Act.