London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hammersmith 1918

Annual report of the Medical Officer of Health of the Borough of Hammersmith for the year 1918

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Deaths.—During 1918, 1445 deaths were registered in the
borough, but of these 175 were of persons not belonging to the
borough, while 713 inhabitants of Hammersmith died outside the
borough, chiefly in various public institutions. There were
therefore 1,983 deaths of persons having their usual residence in
Hammersmith, representing a death rate of 17.1 per 1,000 of
the estimated civilian population, which is the highest death rate
recorded since 1899.
The death rate of the County of London was 18.9 per
1,000, and in the various Metropolitan boroughs the rates ranged
from 13.4 in Hampstead to 24.3 in Shoreditch.
Excess of Births Over Deaths.—The natural increase of
the population by the excess of births over deaths was 31, compared
with 643, 937 and 787 in the preceding three years.
The following table gives the statistics of the borough during
1918 and the five previous years in the form prescribed by
the Local Government Board.


Vital Statistics of Whale District during 1918 and Previous Years.

Year.Population estimated to middle of each year.Births.Total Deaths Registered in the District.Transferable Deaths.Nett Deaths belonging to the District.
Uncorrected Number.Nett.of Non-residents registered in the District.of Residents not registered in the District.
Under 1 Year of Age.At all Ages.
Number.Rate.Number.Rate.NumberRate per 1,000 Nett BirthsNumber.Rate
Area of District in acres (land and inland water)2282.5At Census of 1911 (cf. Census Vol. 5).
Total population at all ages121.521
Total families or occupiers28,462