London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hammersmith 1918

Annual report of the Medical Officer of Health of the Borough of Hammersmith for the year 1918

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Food Supply.—The dairies and milkshops, the ice-cream
shops, and the kitchens of restaurants, &c., were kept under
systematic observation by your Inspectors.
The licences of seven slaughter-houses in the borough were
renewed by the London County Council in October, no objections
being raised by the Borough Council.

The following table gives a summary of the work relating to the above-named premises.

PREMISES.NUMBER OF PLACES.Number of inspections. 1918.N amber of notices. 1918.Number of prosecutions. 1918.
On register at end of 1917,Added in 1918.Removed in 1918.On register at end of 1918.
Milk premises3061093076611
PREMISESNUMBER OF PLACES.Number of inspections. 1918.Number of notices. 1918.Number of prosecutions, 1918.
On register at end of 1917Added in 1918.Removed in 1918.On register at end of 1918.
Ice Cream premises234nil.nil.23424nil.2

Bakehouses.—The bakehouses in the borough have been
regularly inspected, and 13 notices served in respect of defects
found were complied with.
Factory and Workshop Acts.—The following is a summary
of the work done in connection with the Factory and Workshop