London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hampstead 1918

Report for the year 1918 of the Medical Officer of Health

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Food Premises.
Section 8 of the London County Council General Powers Act,
1908, considerably increases the power of sanitary authorities to
improve the conditions of places where food is prepared or sold.
During 1918, the food premises have been under constant supervision,
and in 11 instances notices were served to abate insanitary
Fried Fish Shops.
The following is a list of the Fried Fish Shops in the Borough.
These are now kept under systematic inspection :—
Belsize Ward 106, Fleet Road.
West End Ward 36, Mill Lane and 1, Munro Terrace.
Kilburn Ward 132, High Road; 89, Kingsgate Road and
95, Palmerston Road.
Ice Cream.
There are 72 shops in the Borough in which Ice Cream is sold.
In regard to these it may be mentioned that the Ice Cream (Restriction)
Order, 1917, prohibited the manufacture of Ice Cream.
At the end of 1918, there were 35 occupied bakehouses on the
register, 19 being underground, and 16 above ground. Six of the
bakehouses situated above ground and four underground use power, and
are therefore factories.
Twenty inspections were made in respect of the factory bakehouses,
82 inspections in respect of the workshop bakehouses, and 5 notices
were served.
The following is a list of the occupied bakehouses on the Register
at the end of the year:—
Town Ward 67, High Street and 26, New End.
Belsize Ward 6 and *65 Fleet Road and 45 South End Road.
Adelaide Ward *†44, England's Lane and *2, King's College