London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kensington 1905

Annual report on the health, sanitary condition, etc., etc., of the Royal Borough of Kensington for the year 1905

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"Infectious Disease.—Cases of notifiable disease occurred at eighteen premises: erysipelas
in 12 instances ; scarlet fever, in 4 ; and diphtheria, in 2. All the sufferers from scarlet fever and diptheria
were removed to hospital. The necessary measures—including disinfection—were taken, and
there was no spread of illness. The cases of erysipelas were mild, and required no special
"Home Office.—Thirty-four cases were notified to the Home Office of failure to affix the
required Abstract in workshops and five other complaints re overtime, etc., were forwarded.
Twenty-five complaints were received from the Home Office of alleged insanitary conditions in
workshops, all of which were at once investigated and where necessary remedied; nineteen reports
thereon were forwarded to H.M. Inspectors.

"The appended table summarises the work of the year under the Act so far as it is capable of being expressed in this form.

North Kensington.South Kensington.Total for Borough.
1. Workshop inspections53340139532871241641,0591,591
2. „ re-inspections91411916917719196392561
8. Workroom inspections781,7961612,0351,459661811,7063,741
4. Workrooms found overcrowded32-581--3136
6. „ insufficiently ventilated12412621-72854
6. „ in a dirty condition462-6611--1177
7. „ measured; number of119424104-10114138
8. Workshops, &c., reported to H.M. Inspector4-1525-42934
9. Workshops, &c., reported by H.M. Inspector----15-116-
10. Workshops, &c., newly discovered and registered422853-177078
11. Workshops, &c., removed from register164977215182496
12. Domestic workshops and workplaces inspected9098182069762105311
18. Written intimations issued15015251-556108
14. Statutory notices issued-13-183--316
15. Sanitary defects remedied:-
(a) Additional means of ventilation provided-4-413_41721
(6) Rooms cleansed and whitewashed9712822--284
(c) Yards, floors, roofs, &c., repaired-28-28----28
(d) Sanitary conveniences; defects remedied-14-1422-22438
(c) Dustbins provided or repaired-4-41--15
(d ) Miscellaneous defects remedied-8-87-2917
16. Nuisances reported to Medical Officer of Health-57126-3921
17. Workroom cards distributed; Number of5-16104-10114120