London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Greenwich 1912

The annual report made to the Council of the Metropolitan Borough of Greenwich for the year 1912

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Typhoid Fever. There were 11 cases of Typhoid Fever
notified during the year, 5 being in East Greenwich, 1 in West
Greenwich, 3 in St. Nicholas, and 2 in Charlton. The ages of the
patients were: 1 between one and five years; 3 between five and
fifteen years; 3 between fifteen and twenty-five years,and 4 between
twenty-five and forty-five years. Of the total number of cases, 10
were removed to the Hospital for treatment. Ten such cases
occurred in 1911, 19 in 1910, and 20 in 1909; the average number
for the years 1901 to 1911, inclusive, being 39.
There were two fatalities from this disease during the year, 1
in East Greenwich and 1 in West Greenwich.
Fourteen specimens were forwarded for bacteriological examination
from cases suspected to be Typhoid Fever in character,
and of this number, 11 gave a negative result and 3 were positive.
Puerperal Fever. Five cases of this disease were notified
during the year, 3 in East Greenwich, 1 in West Greenwich, and
1 in Charlton.
There were 8 cases in 1911, and 5 in 1910; 5 of these patients
were removed to Hospital. There were 3 deaths from this disease
during the year. Particular enquiries were made respecting the
source of infection in each case, but in no way did there appear to
be any common origin.
During the year an order of the Local Government Board has
been issued, authorising the Metropolitan Asylums Board
Authorities to receive into their Hospitals, should they at the time
have sufficient and suitable accommodation, persons suffering from
Puerperal Fever, and, in case it becomes necessary to determine the
priority in which persons shall be admitted to any Hospital, regard
is to be had to each person's need and isolation in the interest of
Public Health, as certified by the Medical Officer of Health of the
Sanitary Authority where the person is residing at the time when
the question of her removal to Hospital arises.
Measles. Five hundred and eighty-six cases of Measles were
notified during the year, as compared with 840 during the previous