London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Greenwich 1910

The annual report made to the Council of the Metropolitan Borough of Greenwich for the year 1910

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Greenwich East.Grenwich WestSt. Nicholas, Deptford.Charlton.Kidbrooke.Totals for the BoroughGreenwich Union Workhouse and Infirmary.Seamen's Hospital.Royal Hospital Schools.Miller Hospital.Herbert Military Hospital.M.A.B. Brook Hospital.Cottage Hospital, Kidbtooke.Kidbrooke House Nursing Home." Manna Mead," The Grove.Totals Outside Institutions.
Ist Qr.2id Qr.3rd Qr.4th Qr.Year.1st Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr.4th Qr.Year.1st Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr.4th Qr.Year.1st Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr.4th Qr.Year.1st Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr.4th Qr.Year.1st Qr.2nd Or.3rd Qr.4th Qr.Year.1st Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr.4th Qr.Year.1st Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr.4th Qr.Year.1st Qr.2nd Qr.3ird Qr.4th Qr.Year.1st Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr.4th Qr.Year.1st Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr.4th Qr.Year.1st Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr.4th Qr.Year.Ist Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr.4th Qr.Year.Ist Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr.4th Qr.Year.Ist Qr.2nd Qr.3rd Qr.4th Qr.Year.
1. Smallpox (total)
(a) Vaccinated
(b) Unvaccinated
(c) No statement
2. MeaslesUnder 57171255113131511114522........................11
3. Scarlet FeverUnder 5111111......3...............11.........11
4. Typhus Fever
5. Epidemic InfluenzaUnder 511............1
Over 5312611112628...17
6. Whooping CoughUnder 51772415219101011...5422.....................11
Over 5......11...11211
7. Diphtheria, Membranous CroupUnder 511213.........4...............112.........11
Over 521322......116...............12115
8. Enteric FeverOver 51111...11...3...............11
9. Asiatic Cholera
10. Diarrhoea, DysenteryUnder 513152233112...12...........................11
Over 5.........11...1...........................11
11. Epidemic or Zymotic EnteritisUnder 583114154411...21...112...............11
12. Other Allied Diseases11............111
13. Hydrophobia
14. Glanders, Farcy
15. Tetanus
16. Anthrax, Splenic Fever
17. Cowpox, Accidents of Vaccination
18. SyphilisUnder 5...1113.........311......11
19. Gonorrhœa
20. Phagedena, Hospital GangreneOver 5
21. ErysipelasUnder 5...11.........1
Over 5...11...11...2
22. Puerperal FeverOver 5...1111......211
23. Pyaemia, SepticemiaUnder 5112............2
24. Infective EndocarditisOver 5111121......4112........................11
25. Other Allied DiseasesOver 511......11...211........................1
26. Malarial FeverOver5
27. Rheumatic FeverUnder 511............1
Over 511211.........3
28. Rheumatism of the HeartOver 51111......211
Tuberculosis (total).
29.Tuberculosis of Brain or Meninges, Acute HydrocephalusUnder 511222111124...911......11
Over 521311.........411
30. Tuberculosis of LarynxOver 511.........1
31. Tuberculosis of LungsUnder 521252211......81 1 2........................11
Over 5131312114975652322329932519...100467825112.....................543214
32. Tuberculosis of Intestines, Tabes MesentericaUnder 5.........22113...........................11
Over 51121111411211
33. General Tuberculosis, Tubercular Disease of undefined positionOver 511......112...3........................11
34. Other forms of'Tuberculosis, ScrofulaOver 5111311.........411........................112
35. Other Infective Diseases
36. Thrush
37. Actinomycosis
33. Hydatid Diseases
39. Scurvy ..
40. Other Diseases due to altered Food
41. Acute Alcoholism, Delirium Tremens
42. Chronic AlcoholismOver 511112.........311
43. Chronic Industrial Poisoning
44. Other Chronic Poisonings
45. Osteo-arthritis, Rheumatoid ArthritisOver 51111.........211
46. GoutOver 511......112...3
47. CancerUnder 5.........11...1
Over 51312843766472341537211311793132933.....................512311
48. Diabetes MellitusUnder 5...11......1...........................11
49. Purpura HemorrhagicaOver 5223711211211...1211211
50. Hæmophilia
51. Anæmia, LeucocythsemiaUnder 511............1...........................11
52. Lymphadenoma, Hodgkin's DiseaseOver 5......1111...2...........................22
53. Premature BirthUnder 5384132836131311241231149112......112...............22
54. Injury at BirthUnder 511211.........3
55. Debility at BirthUnder 522415111113...1111........................11
56. AtelectasisUnder 511...11211...4
57. Congenital DefectsUnder 52125............5
58. Want of Breast MilkUnder 5......11......1
59. Atrophy, Debility, MarasmusUnder 552121043119325I113...2722
60. DentitionUnder 53311131111...8
61. RicketsUnder 511131111...5112
62. Old Age, Senile Decay1395174418461l4923411025331311117238101960........................13217
Nervous System.
63. ConvulsionsUnder 5225117...2316...15
64. MeningitisUnder 5331I.........4
Over 511211...11...411........................11
65. Encephalitis
66. ApoplexyUnder 511............1
Over 56210624434314111321711472125........................1214
67. Softening of BrainOver 51111.........2
68. Hemiplegia, Brain ParalysisOver 512251113...11...922
69. General Paralysis of InsaneOver 51121121111...6...........................2114
70. Other forms of InsanityOver 51111......211
71. Chorea
72. Cerebral TumourOver 531411211......7112...............11
73. EpilepsyOver 52211...11114...7.....................123
74. Laryngismus Stridulus
75. Locomotor AtaxyOver 5...1111......211
76. Paraplegia, 1 )iseases of the Spinal CordOver 5112411.........522
77. Other and Ill-def. Dis. of Brain or Nervous SystemOver 5...11...11113 .
Organs of Special Sense.
78. Otitis, OtorrhœaOver 5.........11...1...........................11
79. Diseases of Nose
80. Diseases of Eyes, Ophthalmia
Circulatory System.
81. Pericarditis
82. Endocarditis, Valvular Diseases of the HeartUnder 5111111......3...........................112
Over 5121381447107615382125105456202131184524151113......11...1113......433414
83. Hypertrophy of Heart
84. Angina PectorisOver 511......11...2
85. AneurismOver 511............j
86. Senile GangreneOver 511............1
87. Embolism, ThrombosisOver 5112112...11...51.....................11
88. Phlebitis
89. Varicose Veins
90. Other and Ill-def. Dis. of Heart and Circulatory SystemUnder 511............1...........................11
Over 533.........311...
Respiratory Svstem.
91. Laryngitis
92. Croup
93. Other Diseases of Larynx and Trachea
94. Acute BronchitisUnder 5651416311273126112...3111
Over 5321633...1101121l11
95. Chronic BronchitisUnder 511............1
Over 55416166124132112642392246512311...............11......112
96. Lobar Croupous PneumoniaUnder 5221111......4...........................11
Over 524161321322232291128112......111111......1124
97. Lobular, Broncho-PneumoniaUnder 51023419576183144138...49111311.....................22
Over 52158123.........11.........11............112125
98. Pneumonia, form not statedUnder 51113111111...6...11.....................112
Over 5411282529111214...22221........................123
99. Emphysema, AsthmaOver 511211...11...411
100. PleurisyUnder 5...11...11...2...........................11
Over 5112............2
101. Other and Ill-def. Dis. of Respiratory SystemOver 511............1
Digestive System.
102. Diseases of the Mouth and Annexa
103. Diseases of Pharynx
104. Diseases of (Esophagus
105. Ulcer of Stomach and DuodenumOver 5123112...11...611112
106. Other Diseases of Stomach
107. EnteritisUnder 5325336123112...161146...
Over 5...22.........211
108. AppendicitisUnder 511......11...2..................1...1......11
Over 511211...22...5.........11......123......11
109. Obstruction of IntestineUnder 511......11...2...........................11
Over 51113112...1l...6...112......1]
110. Other Diseases of IntestineUnder 5.........1...1
111. Cirrhosis of LiverOver 531151111112...922........................11
112. Other Diseases of LiverUnder 511............1...11
Over 511............1..................11
113. PeritonitisOver 522112...22...6.........11......11......123
114. Other and Ill-def. Dis. of Digestive OrgansOver 51111.........2......
Lymphatic System.
115. Diseases of Lymphatic System and Ductless Glands.Over 5...11......112...........................11
Urinary System.
116. Acute NephritisOver 511............111
117. Bright's DiseaseOver 53524144161122112...291326......11...............213
118. Calculus
119. Diseases of Madder and ProstateOver 5111311131111...82211...11............11
120. Other and Ill-def. Dis. of Urinary SystemOver 511211.........3............11...............11
Reproductive System. Generative Organs.
121. Diseases of Testis and Penis
122. Diseases of OvariesOver 51111.........211
123. Diseases of Uterus and Appendages .Over 511......11...2...........................11
124. Diseases of Vagina & External Genital Organs
125. Diseases of Breast
126. Abortion, MiscarriageOver 5...11.........111
127. Puerperal Mania
128. Puerperal Convulsions
129. Placenta Previa, FloodingOver 5112............2
130. Puerperal ThrombosisOver 511............1
131. Other and Ill-def. Accidents of Pregnancy and Child BirthOver 511............1
Bones and Joints.
132. Arthritis, Ostitis, PeriostitisOver 511......1...2........................112
133. Other and 111-def. Dis. of Osseous SystemUnder 5...11.........1...11
Integumentary System.
134. Ulcer, Bedsore
135. Eczema
136. Pemphigus
137. Other and Ill-def. Dis. of Integumentary System
Accidents or Negligence (total).
138. In Mines and Quarries
139. In Vehicular TrafficOver 5134...11......51111.....................112
140. On Railways
141. On Ships, Boats & Docks, excluding drowningOver 5.........112...2...11
142. In Building Operations
143. By MachineryOver5.........11...1...........................11
144. By Weapons and Implements
145. Burns and ScaldsUnder 5...1111......2...112
Over 51111112......41113...
146. Poisons, Poisonous Vapours
147. Surgical NarcosisOver 511...11......211........................11
148. Effects of Electric Shock
149. Corrosion by Chemicals
150. DrowningOver 5112............2
151. Suffocation, overlaid in bedUnder 5111111......3
152. Suffocation, otherwiseUnder 511............1
Over 511............1.........11
153. Balls, not specifiedU nder 5...1111......2...........................11
Over 5112112...11...5111......11...............11
l54. Weather Agencies
155. Otherwise and not statedOver 5...11......1...11
156. Homicide
Suicide (total).
1.57. By PoisonOver 51111.........21111
158. By Asphyxia
159. By Hanging and StrangulationOver 511......11...2
160. By Drowning
161. By Shooting
162. By Cut or StabOver 5...11.........1
163. By Precipitation from elevated placesOver 511............111
164. By Crushing
165. By other and Unspecified Methods
166. Execution
167. Sudden Death (cause not ascertained)
168. Other Ill-defined and Not Specified causes ..
TOTALSUnder 56651354119353411422130227151559141471247123432934925331713116...121411......559625
Over 51011027410838479614068248161314226548392633146532414857533930591812874211224911223117333211...11229281828103

The Deaths occurring in the various Public Institutions in this Table are Residents, and are allocated to the respective districts in the Borough.