London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Fulham 1913

Annual report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year 1913

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TABLE VIII (A). Sleeping A ccommodation.

Of 410 tuberculous patients when visited
The Patient slept
In a separate roomin 70 cases
Alone in bed with one other in room„ 24 „
,, ,, „ „ two others ,, ,,„ 32 „
,, „ ,, „ three ,, „ ,,„ 7 „
„ „ „ „ four „ ,, „„ 6 „
In bed with one person and no others in room„ 95 „
„ „ „ one other „„ 57 „
„ „ „ two others ,,„ 30 „
„ „ „ three ,, „„ 18 „
„ „ „ four „ ,,„ 3 „
In bed with two persons and no others in room„ 20 „
„ „ „ one other ,,„ 11 „
„ „ „ two others „„ 9 „
„ „ „ three ,, ,,„ 7 „
„ „„ four ,, ,,„ 6 „
In bed with three persons and no others in roomin 9 „
,, „„ one other „„ 5 „

One patient slept with another boy on the counter of the
Pawnbroker's shop where he worked, and the only ventilation
came through a fanlight. He was trying very hard to get more
healthy work, but his family disappeared from Fulham and he
has not been traced.
Sanatorium Treatment.
As the London County Council propose to provide
residential treatment for persons suffering from tuberculosis,
the Borough Council decided not to renew the
arrangement under which they retained from April 1st,
1912 to March 31st, 1913, six beds at the National
Sanatorium, Benenden, for the use of men resident in
the Borough. Between January 1st and March 31st
four patients were sent by the Council to Benenden and
during the twelve months ended March 31st, 1913, 22