London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Battersea 1910

Report on the health of the Metropolitan Borough of Battersea for the year 1910

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These premises are frequently and systematically inspected by
the Officers of the Borough Council, who are responsible for the
enforcement of all By-laws and Regulations. This duty was formerly
carried out by the Officers of the London County Council, but
was transferred to the Borough Councils under the provisions of
the London Government Act, 1899. This is a very important
duty, consisting as it does of the enforcement of all by-laws and
regulations made for the sanitation of these premises.
During 1910, 295 inspections of slaughter-houses were made in
connection with the inspection of food, &c. Owing to the large
number of animals slaughtered weekly in one of these premises,
special arrangements have had to be made for the inspection of
the carcases. The details of this inspection are referred to in the
chapter dealing with unsound food.
There are only three licensed cowsheds remaining in the
Borough of Battersea, situate as under:—
Bellevue Road. Usk Road.
Wiseton Road.
Very few cows are kept in these sheds, which appear to be kept
for advertisement purposes or with the object of retaining the
animal license. These premises require to be annually licensed
by the London County Council, the enforcement of the by-laws and
regulations devolving on the Borough Councils as the Sanitary
Authority. The premises were systematically inspected during the
year, and may be said to be (sanitarily) in a fairly satisfactory
Ice Cream.
During the year, the number of premises in which this article
of food is manufactured or sold, considerably increased, 185 premises
being registered, as compared with 156 in 1909 and 108 in 1908.
Systematic supervision and inspection is exercised over these
premises by Inspector Benjamin.
Of these 185 premises, nine are occupied by Italians, who
employ 25 barrows in the sale of the article. The number of these
alien manufacturers and vendors of ice-cream appears to be diminishing
in the Borough, while on the other hand the industry is increasing
amongst the native population, with, on the whole, desirable
results in the matter of cleanliness.