London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hampstead 1909

Report for the year 1909 of the Medical Officer of Health

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Home Work.
The Factory Act provides that in certain trades, to be specified by
the Home Secretary, the employers shall send to the sanitary authority,
twice a year, lists giving the names and addresses of the out-workers
employed by them. The Home Secretary has from time to time
specified certain trades to which these provisions apply.
The number of lists received from employers was 136, and the
number of addresses contained in the lists was 416. In 363 instances
it was found that the addresses were outside Hampstead, and in
accordance with the Act they were sent to the Medical Officers of
Health of their respective districts. The number of addresses of
persons stated to be Hampstead workers received from the Medical
Officers of Health of the districts in which the employers of these
workers carried on business was 32, but 2 of these had ceased to be
The total number of outworkers' premises in Hampstead is 93
Of these 6 are factories, 54 are workshops (21 of these being domestic
workshops), 2 are workplaces, and in 31 cases only a single worker
is employed on the premises.
No cases of notifiable infectious disease occurred during 1909
in houses inhabited by outworkers.
The outworkers' premises in Hampstead are kept under regular
supervision. They are usually found to be in a satisfactory condition,
and any defects that are discovered are promptly remedied.
The sanitation of factories is largely controlled by the Factory
Inspectors, but duties of considerable importance relating to general
sanitation devolve upon the Borough Council, who are responsible
among other duties, for the administration of section 38 of the Public
Health (Loudon) Act, 1891. The section imposes upon the Council
the duty of securing "suitable and sufficient accommodation in the
way of sanitary conveniences" for the persons of both sexes employed
in the Hampstead factories, workshops and workplaces.