London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bethnal Green 1907

Report on the sanitary condition and vital statistics during the year 1907 together with the report of the Chief Sanitary Inspector

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TABLE II. Vital Statistics of separate Localities in 1907 and previous years.

Names of Localities1..North.2..South.3..East.4..Totals5..North-East.6..South-West.
Year,Population estimated, to middle of each year.Births registered.Deaths at all Ages.Deaths under 1 year.Population estimated to middle of each year.Births registered.Births at all Ages.| Deaths under 1 year.Population estimated to middle of each year.Births registered.Deaths at all Ages.Deaths under 1 year.Population estimated to middle of each year.Births registered.Deaths at all Ages.Deaths under 1 year.Population estimated to middle of each year.Births registered.Deaths at all Ages.Deaths under 1 year.Population estimated to middle of each year.Births registered.Deaths at all Ages.Deaths under 1 year.
189949,3391,9301,16835534,1941,36181422745,6671,462954245129,2004 7532,936827
Averages of Years 1897 to 1905.50,8281,9161,06231833,6611,23773420445,2251,470872225129,6924,6232,668747........................

Notes.—(a) The separate localities adopted for this table are areas of which the populations are obtainable from the census returns.
(b) Deaths of residents occurring in public institutions beyond the district are included in sub-columns c of this ta,ble, and those of non-residents registered in public institutions
in the district excluded
(c) Deaths of residents occurring in public institutions, whether within or without the district, are to be allotted to the respective localities according to the addresses of the
In 1906 the Borough was re-divided into two sub-districts instead of three as heretofore. † Exclusive of Homeless persons who died in the Workhouse.