London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hampstead 1908

Report for the year 1908 of the Medical Officer of Health

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Factory and Workshop Act, 1901.
The following part of this report is made pursuant to section
132 of the Factory and Workshop Act, 1901, which provides that
"The Medical Officer of Health of every district Council shall in
his Annual Report to them, report specifically on the administration
of this Act in workshops and workplaces, and he shall send a
copy of his Annual Report, or so much of it as deals with this
subject, to the Secretary of State."
At the end of 1908 there were 517 workshops in Hampstead,
including 47 domestic workshops.* Of these workshops 207 employ
women only, 255 employ men only, and in 55 both men and women
are employed.
By far the most prevalent trade in these workshops is dressmaking;
next in the order of frequency come bootmaking, tailoring,
baking, and millinery, in the order named.
The number of factories was 66.
The number of outworkers' premises was 92.
The sanitary condition of all these premises is supervised by
Mrs. Fisher and Inspector Hudson.
A series of statistical tables has been framed by the Secretary
of State " for the guidance and convenience of Medical Officers of
Health in preparing that part of their Annual Report which relates
to factories, workshops, workplaces, and home work." The tables
will be found on pages 105-108.
The following tables show the number of each class of workshops
in each Ward of the Borough, the number of workrooms in
the various workshops, and the number of persons of each sex
employed therein: —
* A "domestic workshop" is defined by section 115 of the Act to "mean a private
house, room or place which, though used as a dwelling, is by reascn of the
work carried on there a workshop within the meaning of this
Act, and in which neither steam, water, nor other mechanical power is used in aid
of the manufacturing process carried on there, and in which the only persons
employed are members of the same family dwelling there."