London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lambeth 1904

Report on the vital and sanitary statistics of the Borough of Lambeth during the year 1904

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During 1904, 447 deaths were registered in Lambeth Borough
as due to phthisis (tuberculosis of the lungs), 93 as due to
tabes mesenterica and tubercular meningitis, and 81 as due to
other forms of tuberculosis, making a total of 621 deaths from
tuberculosis (all forms)—i.e., 12.7 per cent, of the total deaths
(corrected) registered from all causes. The total deaths within
the Borough during 1903, 1902 and 1901 from all forms of
tuberculosis were 639, 701 and 695 respectively. Sub-dividing
the tuberculosis deaths during 1904 amongst the different
Registration Sub-Districts, it is found that the rates (per 1,000
living) vary as follows : —
Inner Districts—3.03 per 1,000 living.
Outer Districts—1.61 per 1,000 living.
Deaths from
rabes. Mes.
Tub. Men.
Other torms
Total Deaths
Rate per 1,000
Waterloo 1st 27 5 5 37
„ 2nd 34 5 4 43
Lambeth Church 1st 31 7 8 4 6 2.6
„ „ 2nd 89 14 23 126 3.2
Kennington 1st 77 17 12 106 1.9
„ 2nd 53 16 7 76 1.1
Brixton 92 19 17 128 1.5
Norwood 33 9 5 47 1.3
District not stated 11 1 ... 12 ...
Borough of Lambeth 447 93 81 162 2.001