London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chelsea 1905

Annual report for 1905 of the Medical Officer of Health

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rate for London being 193. In 1904 the zymotic death-rate in Chelsea
was 1.71 per 1,000.

Table III.—For the year 1905.

Zymotic death-rate.Diarrhoea death-rate.Phthisis death-rate.Other tubercular diseases death-rate.Respiratory diseases death-rate.Cancer death-rate.Influenza death-rate.Deaths under 1 year to 1000 births.Percentage of deaths under 5 to total deaths.Deaths in Public Institutions per cent. of total.

Small-pox.—There was no small-pox in Chelsea in 1905.
Measles.—This disease caused 5 deaths in 1905, as compared with
24 in 1904. One death was registered in North Chelsea, and 4 in
South Chelsea. All the deaths were of children between 1 and 5 years
of age. Measles was not at any time epidemic in 1905.
Scarlet Fever.—This disease caused 9 deaths in 1905, as compared
with 6 in 1904. Six were deaths of North Chelsea residents, and 3 of
South Chelsea, all 9 being fever hospital patients. Scarlet fever was
somewhat prevalent in Chelsea and most other Metropolitan Boroughs
in the last quarter of 1905.
Diphtheria.—This disease caused 5 deaths in 1905, the same
number as in 1904. Two of the fatal cases were of residents in North
Chelsea, and 3 in South Chelsea. Four of the deaths were of fever
hospital patients, and one occurred at the patient's own home.
Chelsea continues to remain free from epidemic diphtheria, as the
following Table shows:—

Table IV.-Cases of, and Deaths from Diphtheria and Membranous

Croup in Chelsea,* 1890-1905.


* 1890-1900. Chelsea Home District.

Whooping Cough.—This disease caused 20 deaths in 1905, as
compared with 26 in 1904. Eleven of the deaths were of North
Chelsea residents, and 9 of South Chelsea. Eleven of the fatal cases