London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chelsea 1905

Annual report for 1905 of the Medical Officer of Health

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Section IV.
The tabular statements prepared by the Sanitary Inspectors show
that 1,519 separate premises were reported on by them during 1905,
383 of this number being with reference to cases of notifiable infectious
disease, and 492 in the course of house-to-house inspections made in
certain of the poorer streets of the Borough.
It has been necessary to take legal proceedings for breaches of the
Public Health (London) Act in respect of 9 houses, and in one case of
emission of black smoke.
Drainage.—During the year 85 new drains for single houses have
been reconstructed in accordance with the Council's drainage regulations.
Combined Drainage.—Eleven systems of combined drainage, for
which the owners of the houses were responsible, were sanctioned by the
Council in the course of the year. The Borough Council was not called
upon in 1905 to undertake the reconstruction of any systems of
combined drainnge, which were sewers vested in the Council. The total
amount expended by the Council in reconstructing systems of combined
drainage, which were sewers vested in the Council, from 1896 to 1904
inclusive has been £495 0s. 8d., equivalent to an annual outlay of £55.
School Drainage.—At the request of the Managers of St. Luke's
Schools (King-street and Markham-street), the drains of these schools
were examined and tested, and certificates were given by the Medical
Officer of Health that the drains were watertight, as required by the
School Authority, the London County Council.
The drains of St. Mary's (Roman Catholic) Schools, Cadogan-street,
were also very carefully examined and tested by the Medical Officer of
Health and Chief Sanitary Inspector in the autumn, at the request of
the School Managers; but as some of the drains were found to be
defective, no certificate was given.
A very careful report with plans was prepared and forwarded to
the School Managers, showing the nature of the works required to make
the drains watertight, as required by the London County Council. It
does not appear that this work of reparation of drains has yet been
carried out at St. Mary's Schools.

Inspection of Restaurant Kitchens, 1905.

Number of restaurant and hotel kitchens68
„ inspections made99
„ premises found satisfactory44
„ premises with sanitary defects24
„ notices served24

Disinfection and Verminous Houses.—During the past year 379
premises have been disinfected after cases of infectious or other disease,