London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chelsea 1905

Annual report for 1905 of the Medical Officer of Health

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Estimated Cost.

Land, Nos. 21-31, Pond-place, Freehold2,300
„ „ „ Leases535
Architects' Commission...411
Clerk of Works' Salary...158
Estimated Revenue.
8 2-room tenements at 7/6 per week...300
14 3-room „ „ 9/- „...660
10 „ „ „ 9/6...4150
Average weekly rent per room 3s. 2d.52
Gross rent per annum...730120
Deduct 39% for outgoings...284188
Net rent per annum...£445134

or sufficient to pay interest at the rate of £3 16s. 7¼per cent, per annum,
on the total capital outlay of £11,635.
The following Table will be of interest as showing some of the
points of comparison between the suggested Pond-place scheme and the
Beaufort-street scheme as carried out:—
Pond-place. Beaufort-st.
Cost of land per sup. ft. 6s. 8d. 3s. 7d.
Cost of building (contracts) per
room £93 10s. £88 13s*
Number of tenements 32 261
Number of rooms 88 579†
Total accommodation (adults) 141 992
Density of population per acre 723 620
Average superficial area of
tenement per head 116.5 sq. ft. 107 sq. ft.
Average cubic capacity of
tenement per head 990 c. ft. 910 c. ft.
Average weekly rent per room 3s. 2d. 3s. l£d.
Average weekly rent per sup. ft.
of tenement 0.2d. 0.2d.
Return per cent. on total capital
outlay £3 16s. 7d. £4 3s. 6d.
The Pond-place scheme, as compared with the Beaufort-street
scheme, is under the disadvantage that the cost of acquiring and
clearing the land has been proportionally 86 per cent. in excess of
• This includes Superintendent's Rooms and Office, Baths, Drying Room,
Store Rooms and Shelters.
† Not including Superintendent's Rooms and Office.