London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hammersmith 1903

Annual report of the Medical Officer of Health of the Borough of Hammersmith for the year 1903

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b) See notes on Table I. as to the meaning of "Residents" and "Nonresidents,"
and as to the "Public Institutions "to be taken into
account for the purposes of these Tables. The "Localities"
should be the same as those in Tables II. and III.
(c) All deaths occurring in public institutions situated within the
district, whether of "Residents" or of "Non.residents," are, in
addition to being dealt with as in note (a), to be entered in the
last column of this Table. The total number in this column
should equal the figures for the year in column 9, Table I.
(d) The total deaths in the several " Localities " in columns 9-15 of this
Table should equal those for the year in the same localities in
in Table II., sub.columns c. The total deaths at all ages in
column 2 of this Table should equal the gross total of columns
9-15, and the figures for the year in column 12 of Table I.
(e) Under the heading of " Diarrhœa " are to be included deaths certified
as from diarrhœa, alone or in combination with some other cause
of ill-defined nature ; and also deaths certified as from
Epidemic enteritis;
Zymotic enteritis;
Epidemic diarrhœa. Summer diarrhœa;
Dysentery and dysenteric diarrhœa;
Choleraic diarrhœa, cholera, cholera nostras
(in the absence of Asiatic cholera).
Under the heading of "Enteritis" are to be included those certified
as from Gastro.enteritis, Muco-enteritis, and Gastric catarrh,
uuless from information obtained by enquiry from the certifying
practitioner or otherwise, the Medical Officer of Health should
have reason for including such deaths, especially those of infants,
under the specific term "Diarrhœa." Under the headings of
"Cancer," "Phthisis" and "Puerperal fever" should be included
all registered deaths from causes comprised within these general
Deaths from diarrhoea secondary to some other well-defined disease
should be included under the latter.
In recording the facts under the various headings of Tables I.,II.,III. and
IV., attention has been given to the notes on the Tables.
Medical Officer of Health.
March 25th, 1904.
The total number of deaths of Burgesses that were
registered from the nine principal zymotic diseases was
182 against 236 in the previous year. The deaths of
Burgesses last year from these diseases were equal to
113 per 1,000 of the total deaths of Burgesses
registered, and were at the rate of 1.6 deaths per 1,000