London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1896

Report on the health and sanitary condition of the several parishes comprised in the Wandsworth District during the year 1896

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In the Parish of Clapham, 6 lamps burning 5 cubic
feet of gas per hour, 9 burning 10 cubic feet per hour,
and 1 obelisk lamp have been added. Seven lamps have
been shifted in position.
In the Parish of Putney, 8 lamps have been added
and 15 shifted in the district of the Wandsworth Gas
Company, and 2 lamps have been added in the district of the
Brentford Gas Company. Twenty incandescent gas burners,
with anti-vibration suspension frames and new
lanterns, have been fixed on Putney Hill, in place of the
old ordinary burners and lanterns, at a cost of £2 16s 2d.
per lamp. The charge made by the Incandescent Gas
Light Company for maintaining these burners and frames
is 15s, per lamp per annum, and the Wandsworth Gas
Company have reduced their charge from £3 7s. 6d. to
£2 17s 6d. per lamp per annum for lighting and maintaining,
which shows an additional cost of 5s. per lamp
per annum over ordinary lamps. The illumination of each
new incandescent burner, however, is 60-candle power,
whereas the ordinary burner has only an illuminating
power of 14 candles.
In the Parish of Streatham, 29 lamps have been
added, 19 increased from 5 feet to 10 feet burners, and
15 shifted, making the total number 1,163.
In the Parish of Tooting, 4 lamps have been added
and 2 shifted, making the total number 141 g.